Elisabeth Borne: Big blunder in her security, secret information in danger!

A job that started rather badly… On May 31, when she had just been appointed security manager at Matignon, the prefect in charge of the protection of Elisabeth Borne allegedly, according to the magazine Closercarelessly put her work phone on the bench of a restaurant where she was dining, in the 19th arrondissement of Paris.

A phone that didn’t take long to end up in the pocket of a thief, who probably had no trouble taking it away even though it contained information of the utmost importance and in particular… the number phone number of many ministers and even that of the president, Emmanuel Macron. Very sensitive, the file was immediately processed by the police who managed to geolocate the thief, thanks to the phone that he had quickly thrown away, keeping only the SIM card and its precious information.

The young pilferer will have to go before the judge in a short time, but was released pending trial. A misadventure that ends well, for the prefect in post alongside Elisabeth Borne (a prime minister very addicted to vaping…), but which could have had much more consequences: the same morning, she had notably held a meeting with Gérald Darmanin on internal security issues, no doubt exchanging information intended to remain discreet.

A few days before the legislative elections, which will take place this Sunday June 12 – then on June 19 – and could lead to a change of government (if Emmanuel Macron’s party does not obtain a majority in the Assembly in favor of Nupes, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon), all the ministers are in any case in campaign. And in particular the Prime Minister: the second woman to be appointed to this post (after Edith Cresson), the former prefect of Poitou-Charentes had delivered a nice speech during the transfer of power with Jean Castex. “I dedicate this nomination to all little girls to tell them ‘go after your dreams’ and nothing should stop the fight for the place of women in our society.“, she said. Warmly congratulated by her predecessor, she then formed a government in the days that followed.

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