Elisabeth Borne believes that the bill to repeal the reform is “unconstitutional”

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Following a meeting with the unions, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne estimated on Wednesday May 17 that the bill, brought forward by the independent parliamentary group Liot, aimed at repealing the pension reform is “unconstitutional”. “It is quite irresponsible on the part of a parliamentary group to suggest that we can present a bill which cuts 18 billion (euros) of resources and that this bill could prosper”, added the head of government, referring to “a kind of lark mirror”. Follow our live.

“No use” of a multilateral meeting with Emmanuel Macron, according to the CGT. The secretary general of the CGT, Sophie Binet, estimated on Wednesday that there was no “no use” to a multilateral meeting with Emmanuel Macron, without announcements on pensions or salaries. “We were sold social dialogue, we attended two hours of monologue from the bosses”she denounced, at the end of a meeting of an hour and a half at Matignon with Elisabeth Borne. “The Prime Minister, once again, refused to withdraw the pension reform in defiance of all the evidence”, she clarified.

Charles de Courson accuses Emmanuel Macron of “authoritarian drift”. Centrist MP Charles de Courson called Wednesday a “authoritarian drift” the attitude of the Head of State, before the presentation of a bill by his group aimed at repealing the pension reform, the majority of which wishes to prevent the passage to the vote. The purpose of this bill is “to put a stop to the authoritarian drift, that is to say to want to impose by procedural mechanisms (…), to want to violate society”said the deputy of the Liot group about the text which must be presented on June 8.

Union leaders continue to parade at Matignon. After receiving the representatives of Force Ouvrière and the CFDT on Tuesday, Elisabeth Borne met at 10.45 a.m. with the president of the CFE-CGC, François Hommeril, then at noon with that of the CFTC, Cyril Chabanier. The secretary general of the CGT, Sophie Binet, for her part, had an appointment at 5 p.m.

Laurent Berger expressed his demands to Elisabeth Borne. During his interview at Matignon yesterday, the boss of the CFDT expressed his “resentment” after months of social conflict tinged with a “form of contempt” and reported on “his requirement” in future consultations on working conditions and wages. “We will not be satisfied with scoops”he warned.

The majority is trying to prevent the law to repeal the pension reform. The three political groups of the presidential camp in the National Assembly agreed on Tuesday to use the argument of the “financial inadmissibility” of the bill on the repeal of the pension reform, to prevent it be voted on in the hemicycle on June 8.

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