Elisabeth Borne announces the forthcoming launch of a parliamentary mission on the specialization of courts

On the occasion of the third anniversary of the Grenelle on domestic violence, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announces, Friday, September 2, the forthcoming launch of a parliamentary mission to reflect on the establishment of specialized courts on this type of violence as well as on domestic violence.

The Prime Minister hopes to launch this mission at the end of September, it should last six months. Parliamentarians will be responsible for taking stock of the judicial treatment of domestic violence, the training of investigators, referents and making recommendations on the specialization of legal action, in particular the specialization of certain magistrates, better coordination and better flow of information between services.

Elisabeth Borne also confirms the doubling of police presence in the field by 2030, as announced during the Beauvau de la sécurité, and the increase in the number of social workers in police stations and gendarmeries which will increase from 416 today to 600 by 2025, as the President of the Republic had announced at the beginning of the year. She also said that the number of emergency accommodation places would continue to increase. By the end of 2022, 10,000 emergency accommodation places will be available. That’s 1,000 more than expected.

There will also be 1,000 additional places open by 2023 to better distribute them throughout the territory, particularly in rural areas. Still on the care of women, Elisabeth Borne announces the launch of what she calls a “New Start Pack” to allow victims to leave their homes when they are in danger, without giving more details.

A form of specialization of the jurisdictions has been demanded for more than a year by magistrates and lawyers. In June 2021, the public prosecutors of Besançon, Montbéliard, Lons-le-Saunier, Vesoul or even Belfort requested, in separate press releases, the appointment in each prosecution of a specialized assistant or a lawyer assistant dedicated to this great national cause. In the same period, the lawyer and president of Lawyers For Women Michelle Dayan asked on franceinfo for the creation of specialized prosecutor’s offices in each jurisdiction.

In addition, on a more general scale, an interministerial committee for equality between women and men will be launched by the end of 2022, under the coordination of the Minister Delegate for Equality Isabelle Rome, to take action on the roadmap “the great cause of the quinquennium” on women’s health, economic empowerment, equality and education.

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