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“The objective is to have a complete response for these women victims of violence. It is about local justice (…) to be able to respond locally to the difficulties of these women”, according to Elisabeth Borne .
Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced on Monday March 6 the establishment of “specialized poles” in domestic violence in the courts, in order to “respond locally” to the difficulties of women victims. “We are going to set up specialized centers in each court to be able to better deal with this domestic violence, to also be able to respond globally to the difficulties encountered by women victims of violence”she detailed on the set of “C to you”, on France 5.
These are not specialized jurisdictions, specified the Prime Minister after having received the first conclusions of a parliamentary mission, which must deliver its final work at the end of March. Some 200 centers will be created in total within the 164 judicial courts and 36 courts of appeal, Matignon told AFP. They will deal with domestic violence cases both at the civil and criminal levels, with a single file and dedicated hearings.
Protection orders issued “in 24 hours”
In December, the National Assembly adopted at first reading, against the government’s opinion, a Republican bill providing for the creation of a court specializing in domestic violence, on the model of Spain.
In order to keep violent spouses away, the government will also shorten the time limits for immediate protection orders, which can be issued by the judge. “in 24 hours” And “without contradiction if we think that a woman is really in danger”has also announced Elisabeth Borne.
This is the “creation of an immediate protection order in 24 hours that the judge will issue, without a hearing, urgently, to guarantee the effective safety of the victim and his children”, specified on Twitter the Minister Delegate. for Equality between women and men Isabelle Rome. “We are stepping up the safety of women victims of violence, as soon as they are reported”she added.