Elisabeth Borne announces financial aid “from the end of November” for Ukrainian refugee hosts

In early July, the prefect in charge of the interministerial crisis unit on the reception of Ukrainians had mentioned the possibility of financial aid on this subject.

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Its amount is not yet known. But financial aid should be paid “from the end of November” for French households who “welcome displaced Ukrainians to their homes”announced Elisabeth Borne, Monday, October 3, before the National Assembly. “I want to pay tribute (…) and thank all the communities that are mobilizing, organizing solidarity and allowing the reception and education of Ukrainian refugees. Their commitment is precious and decisive”declared in the hemicycle the head of government, in the introduction of a parliamentary debate on the situation in Ukraine and its repercussions in France.

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“Finally, I am thinking of all our fellow citizens who are committed. We must support them and I can confirm the implementation, from the end of November, of aid for our compatriots who are hosting displaced Ukrainians in their homes”, she declared to the deputies, without however specifying the amount of this aid to come. Questioned by AFP, the Ministry of the Interior did not quantify this aid either.

At the beginning of July, the prefect Joseph Zimet, who leads the interministerial crisis unit on the reception of Ukrainians on Place Beauvau, said in an interview with World that this aid was being studied and was to amount “from 150 to 200 euros for a few months”for’“to prevent this welcome from collapsing”. “Having a Ukrainian household at home for several months creates financial burdens and can lead to a form of weariness”he said.

On Monday, Elisabeth Borne welcomed the reception of more than 100,000 Ukrainians – including 19,000 school children – who organized “quickly, efficiently, with dignity”.

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