Elisabeth Borne announces a “sustainable food aid fund” of 60 million euros in 2023

The Prime Minister specifies that this sum will go “both to the major national networks” of food aid, and “to local projects, through the regional prefects”.

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It must allow the French “the most fragile” to access “quality food”. Elisabeth Borne announced on Thursday 3 November a “sustainable food aid fund” of 60 million euros in 2023, during a visit to the Food Bank of the Marne, in Reims. The prime minister was accompanied for this trip by the Minister of Solidarity, Jean-Christophe Combe, and the Secretary of State for the Social and Solidarity Economy and Associative Life, Marlène Schiappa.

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The government thus intends “support our major national players, so that they can buy more quality products, fresh products”said the Prime Minister. “We also want to support initiatives like the one we saw this morning in the territories, for example quality products on the short circuit for our food banks and the associations which are mobilized on this food aid”she explained.

These 60 million euros will go, explained Elisabeth Borne, “both to the major national networks that offer food aid, in calls for projects that we are going to launch” but also “to local projects, through the regional prefects”. These latter “will be able to support initiatives (…) between farmers, producers who will also be able to offer short circuits for quality food. For example, also to set up sustainable food checks since it is something that we want to be able to then develop on a national scale”continued the head of government.

“We are working on a food voucher, which is a very complicated subject. We wanted to start with this food aid scheme reinforcing the quality of the products offered”she clarified.

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