Elisabeth Borne addicted to vaping but not only: her other addiction revealed

Elisabeth Borne likes to vape, it’s no secret. The prime minister even went so far as to vape inside the National Assembly when she was labor minister last year, raising questions about the legality of the practice. But this is not the only sin of the 61-year-old politician: she has another addiction than Paris Match revealed.

In his long report on the new head of government, Paris Match indicates that Elisabeth Borne is a “Diet Coke addict“. Something to make her portrait fun since she is generally rather the subject of not very “fun” description. Displaying a perfect and sporty line, she obviously opted for the sugar-free drink, so as not to suffer too much from the sugar For the weekly, she’s like Lionel Jospin who she worked for, she would be “an austere who is fed up“. Richard Ferrand describes her as a woman who “does not take itself seriously and deserves to be known“. During Emmanuel Macron’s victory, she was present at the Champ-de-Mars like her other government colleagues. If she did not dance to the sounds of the DJ like her comrades Joel Giraud and Barbara Pompili, she did not not refused to participate in a little victory selfie.

She has a prefect side” says a ministerial figure. “terminal out” they said of her when she was at the head of the RATP. Elisabeth Borne is known for exhausting her collaborators and not sparing them. “I’m tired of working with idiots, I’m surrounded by idiotss”, she launched during a trip to New York on behalf of Ségolène Royal. Nicknamed “Mechanta“, Élisabeth Borne is perhaps hard on others as much as she is intractable with herself, facing a difficult form of Covid in 2021. Pupil of the nation after the death of her father when she was 11, she is a perfect representation of French meritocracy by managing to make Polytechnique and the School of Bridges and Roads, environments in which there are very few women.

His words then resonate during his transfer of power with Jean Castex. This divorced mother of a son – she is now in a relationship, but we will not know more – had dedicated her appointment “to all the little girls“, whom she invited to surpass herself for “go after (their) dreams”.

Find the full article in the magazine Paris Match from May 19, 2022

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