Elisabeth Borne activates a crisis unit


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While the situation is historic in France, the Prime Minister has decided to convene advisers on Friday August 5 to study the potential consequences of the drought that has been affecting the country for several weeks, as explained by journalist Valéry Lerouge, directly from the Ministry of the Interior.

Faced with this historic drought, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne activated an interministerial crisis unit on Friday August 5. What is the purpose of this crisis unit? “It is to coordinate the services of the State and the departments, to bring up in real time information on the consequences of the drought, both on transport and on energy production and on agriculture”explains journalist Valéry Lerouge, live from the Ministry of the Interior.

“The Prime Minister wrote this morning in a press release, the situation is historic in most territories in France. According to her, this should continue for at least another 15 days, or even become even more worrying. No ministers around the table , only ‘technical advisers.’ But the executive intends in passing to show that it remains very vigilant in the face of the situation, and that it is still in charge, even if many ministers are already on vacation or about to leave. leave”he concludes.

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