“Elior” by Roxane Arnal, a sensitive and luminous album from start to finish

The musical bond between Roxane Arnal and Baptiste Bailly was born in 2018 in the Valencia region of Spain. And we’re getting closer to the truth that this album is a kind of Spanish inn where everyone brings their own specialties: Roxane arrives with the blues-folk that she has been singing for 10 years already, with her twirling voice like no other. Baptiste with his piano flashes and the inspired counter-melody that he draws from his cup of tea: contemporary jazz and Mediterranean music.

Then it’s the turn of the musicianss like Antony Gatta (drums) and Clément Faure (guitar & bass) to immerse themselves 100% in the compositions of the two protagonists. As for the others (electric guitars, dobro, slide, moog, choirs), the touches of color they bring are always perfect.

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Finally, Duncan Roberts brings his “British” know-how as a sound engineer, so that the album “Elior” already sounds like “the album of maturity”. The universes of the 2 artists collide more than they mix, to the point of surprising the listener at the turn of each title. In the end, the osmosis is perfect and this album, sensitive and luminous from start to finish.

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