Elie Semoun reacts to the revolution caused by Metoo!

On the occasion of the release of his first novel, “Count up to you”, published by Robert Laffont, Elie Semoun was the guest this Wednesday, October 5 of the morning of RTL. While his book deals with male-female relationships, the comedian was asked about the Metoo movement, which is celebrating its fifth anniversary. “I don’t really feel concerned because I’ve always respected women. Sometimes I think it’s going a bit too far”, he explains before discussing his job, which is also impacted. “So yes, not necessarily the Metoo movement, but humor yes, we ask ourselves questions because I’m used to going far in my shows. And now I’m wondering and it’s really pissing me off. For example on stage I play a jihadist and I removed a few sentences that could cost me a beheading“, says the actor.

Unfortunately it’s horrible, it tears my heart out to say that but I think we can’t laugh at everything. We can laugh at everything on stage because it’s a space of total freedom. But I couldn’t do my sketch of the handicapped person where I make a motor handicapped person and put it on social networks, I would inevitably have problems. I’m furious that the nuance has actually disappeared. That’s what we were saying earlier, either you’re a man who thinks well or you’re a man who thinks badly. And there’s more nuance and that really annoys me a lot.“, he concluded.

A reflection that echoes the remarks made by Élie Semoun on Thursday September 15, 2022, in “Le Morning sans filter”, on Virgin Radio, where he reacted to the ousting of Alexandra Pizzagali from Télématin: “Honestly, they were a little hard on her, right?Yes they were a bit harsh.”, began the comedian before continuing: “In fact the problem to summarize the thing because I will not give a judgment on what she did but in fact the problem in our current society I believe is that we lack nuances. There are more nuances, there are those who think well and those who think badly. This poor girl, maybe we should have given her a chance. To fire her like that overnight is atrocious. We are moving towards a well-meaning humor.


See also: Elie Semoun settles accounts with his family!

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