Elie Semoun and Clémence Poésy closer than you think: this link that binds them forever

This Sunday, July 24 is broadcast on TF1 the film Ducobu 3 with the essential Elie Semoun in the characters of Monsieur Gustave and Madame Ghislaine Latouche and the teacher Gérard Gérardini. A new part of the Ducobu saga entitled Ducobu president! was released in theaters last Wednesday, July 13.

Clémence Poésy is the daughter of Elie Semoun’s favorite teacher in college

Like everyone else and before becoming one of the greatest French comedians, Elie Semoun went to school. In an interview with TV 7 Daysthe 58-year-old actor and comedian spoke of his admiration for his French teacher at college who is also the mother of an actress fromHarry Potter. “I remember with great affection my French teacher from sixth to fourth grade, Madame Poésy. She is none other than… the mother of actress Clémence Poésy. I had made a transfer on her at the death of my mother who also teaches French.” The comedian took the opportunity to reveal what type of student he was at school : “I was good at literature and history, but bad at math and terrible at gym. I never cheated, I had no talent for it. On the other hand, I did some stupid things! With my friends, we threw firecrackers in the staff room, blocked the doors of an entire floor with chains, flooded the toilets by opening the taps to the fullest. Nothing to be proud of… School is a place of meetings and wonderful knowledge.”

We do not know if Elie Semoun – who formalized his breakup with his companion Anaïs a few months ago – has already dated the talented Clémence Poésy, 19 years his junior. However, the comedian had confided to having fallen in love with a dancer from the Paris Opera, Juliette Gernez to our colleagues from Audience : “She was very exclusive. Very quickly, I had the feeling that she was taking me away from all my group of friends (…) I wanted to vibrate, to feel alive, to be in love. So I fled, I was a coward, I stunned myself in a frantic and sterile seduction, until I cheated on Annie. And fell in love with a 20-year-old girl”he revealed.

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