Eliaquim Mangala is the exceptional guest of 100% Verts

It is already a voice that carries in the locker room of ASSE. Arrived a month ago during the winter transfer window, Eliaquim Mangala was placed at the heart of the Greens’ maintenance mission for the second part of the season. The 30-year-old international defender has just had three consecutive starts and if his performances oscillate between the good and the less good he is probably not for nothing in the defensive recovery and the good financial health of his new team. .

Mangala facing the columnists of 100% Verts this Thursday

How does he judge his debut? How does he analyze the progress of the Greens? What place exactly did he take in the locker room? So many questions that the 100% Verts team will ask him this Thursday evening (6 p.m. – 7 p.m.). Come, you too, ask your questions to Eliaquim Mangala at 04-77-10-00-10.

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