Elghawaby’s concerns | The duty

The appointment of Amira Elghawaby as Canada’s special representative in the fight against Islamophobia by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on January 26 has caused a lot of ink to flow, particularly in Quebec.

The conversation centered on the Quebec bashing » and the questioning about the real existence of Islamophobia in Quebec and Canada is ironic in itself since it clearly demonstrates that Islamophobia and misogyny are indeed present in Canadian society. .

The fact that she was forced to apologize for her 2019 text […] sends the message that no one, especially not a Muslim woman, can voice concerns about anti-Muslim sentiments. We can see a certain hypocrisy there: the public does not hesitate to send hateful messages towards Mme Elghawaby on behalf of their freedom of expression, but is of the opinion that this same freedom of expression does not extend to minorities who speak out against inequality.

Attacks, particularly online, against Mme Elghawaby are rooted in the Islamophobia and misogyny that she seeks to combat. We must not forget it and we must denounce it.

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