eleven members of the group “Vengeance patriote” placed in police custody

They are ten men and one woman, aged 17 to 31. They were arrested in the Paris region, in the south and in the west of France.

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Eleven members of the ultra-right group “Revenge Patriote” were placed in police custody as part of the investigation opened by the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat), franceinfo learned from the Pnat on Wednesday May 18, confirming information from the Parisian.

They are ten men and one woman between the ages of 17 and 31. They were arrested in the Paris region, in the south and in the west of France.

The Pnat has opened a judicial investigation for “criminal terrorist association”, “provocation to an act of terrorism”, “public apology for acts of terrorism” and “violation of the legislation on weapons”.

A man suspected of being the leader of “Patriotic Vengeance” had already been indicted and remanded in custody last December.

On its website, the ultra-right group offers MMA courses, learning how to handle a knife, wearing armor, to “prepare physically” In this “inevitable collapse“. In the caption of a video presentation of the group on YouTube, this one presents itself as “a sporting and cultural community open to all French patriots“but denies being a”militia” or a “violent criminal organization” which would incite violence. In this video, the group targets in particular “leftists” and the “immigrants“.

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