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In the United Kingdom, in order to preserve resources, a bonus is offered to consumers who reduce their consumption of water and electricity.
Bonuses for using household appliances at night, here is the British project under study in order to avoid national cuts during winter days. This also limits the explosion of bills, multiplied by five in one year according to forecasts. A household will thus be rewarded if it reduces its peak hour consumption. For example, between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.each 1kwh saved would be remunerated between 1.10 and 7.20 euros.
For a single mother with a dependent child, this could represent several tens of euros per year, provided that priority is given to off-peak hours, from 10 p.m., and no longer in the morning as she is used to. What to compensate for the increase in his bill. “For this month of August, I made 95 euros while I just looked in August 2021, it was 65”she notes. It will be up to the supplier to pay the premiums to its customers. But some companies are calling for the government to get their hands on the wallet.