Electric cars used in California reduce the amount of CO2, study finds

Booming use of electric vehicles in parts of California is reducing CO well2 emitted in these areas, according to a new study published Thursday.

These new data thus offer a strong argument to the authorities of the most populous American state, who want to generalize the use of electric modes of transport to achieve “net zero emissions” of CO.2 by 2045.

Thanks to a network of sensors installed from 2012 around San Francisco Bay (where electric cars are now legion), scientists from the prestigious University of California at Berkeley observed a constant drop in carbon dioxide levels ( CO2) issued each year.

“We demonstrate, thanks to atmospheric measurements, that the adoption of electric vehicles works, it has the expected effect on CO emissions2 said the study’s lead author, Ronald Cohen.

Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas and major cause of climate change.

More than two thirds of CO emissions2 come from urban environments, but the detailed information on these emissions is scant to help the legislator in his decision.

With his team, Ronald Cohen recorded an annual drop of 1.8% in CO emissions2 over a period of five years.

Cross-referencing this data with that of vehicle registration in the San Francisco region, where nearly one in 20 vehicles is electric or hybrid, allowed the researchers to conclude that electrification had a measurable impact.

“The State of California’s ambition is to be net zero by 2045, and that requires a reduction [des émissions] of just over 3.5% per year over the next 20 years,” Ronald Cohen told AFP.

California’s ambitious plan to achieve “net zero emissions” — where CO emissions2 are greatly reduced and remaining emissions are offset — putting it ahead of the rest of the country, and its overall plan to reach this milestone in 2050.

This western US state has some of the strictest environmental regulations in the United States, including its plan to ban the sale of all new thermal cars by 2035.

Ronald Cohen, who plans to install a network of sensors in Los Angeles but also in Glasgow, Scotland, as well as Providence on the American east coast, recognizes that the speed of adoption of electric vehicles in the San Francisco area makes it an atypical case study.

“But this shows it’s possible,” he said.

“This shows both that we can make measurements that allow us to assess the impact of cities’ public policies, and the extent to which these policies lead to measurable changes. »

Around 45% of electricity consumed in California in 2022 came from fossil fuels, according to authorities, a declining share in the face of the increase in renewables.

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