Electric boat rides to discover the city of Le Mans

It’s nice, especially with this heat, it gives us a little fresh air“, comments one of the twelve visitors. For an hour, the two electric boats of the guided tour have been sailing on the Sarthe, towards the Gué de Maulny. Sibyl Davy, the guide, gives explanations on the various buildings in Le Mans can see on the banks.

Algae and drought

Visitors therefore discover how to pass a lock and listen to the story of the Gué de Maulny and its castle. A part of the visit that was no longer accessible recently: “The whole month of July, we barely passed through the lock. Because of the water level and the vegetation, we only went on the city side“, recalls Sibyl Davy.

The boat trip had therefore been shortened by an hour. For the month of August, the original duration was resumed, but “we see that the water level has started to drop again“, worries the guide. Maybe we will have to stop again before the lock, if the heat wave persists.

Town tour

The purpose of this guided boat tour is to discover the city in another way: “The visits that we do on foot, we don’t cover as much distance, we don’t see as much of the city. So we can approach full of different subjects”, develops Sibyl Davy.

The house of the red pillar, which offers these tours, also offers more classic guided tours, on foot or by bike. “All that’s missing is in the air“, jokes the guide. As for the boat, visits take place on Mondays and Thursdays, at 4 p.m., until the end of August. The capacity of the boat being a maximum of twelve people, it is strongly recommended to book. : 10€ for adults, 6 at reduced price.

To book, call the Maison du Pillar Rouge on 02 43 47 40 30.

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