“Electoralist ulterior motive”, “staged”, a president “in his role” … The opposition reacts to Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Ukraine

When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, Emmanuel Macron’s opponents had already entered the presidential campaign, even before the official date, but they had not attacked the head of state on this ground. -the. The time was then for national unity and support for the Ukrainian people. Four months later, between the two rounds of the legislative elections, it is no longer the same music.

>> War in Ukraine: follow the movement of Emmanuel Macron live

Marine Le Pen sets the tone, Thursday, May 16, on France Inter, evoking in half a word, a trip in the form of electoral recovery: “I note that Emmanuel Macron never does anything or says anything without having an electoralist ulterior motive. Emmanuel Macron uses this posture, in a way of warlord, to try to have an influence on the voters.

For two days, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron have been overplaying their opposition, in this final stretch. The head of state directly targeted the rebellious, without however naming him, during a press conference on Tuesday. In front of the presidential plane, before leaving for his diplomatic tour, the president had mentioned the second round of the legislative elections: “Because it is in the best interests of the Nation, I want to convince you today to give the country a solid majority on Sunday..

But the leader of the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), guest of France Bleu Thursday noon, refused to argue: “I begin first by associating myself with his message of solidarity with Ukraine. Afterwards, one can obviously wonder about the meaning of this trip. But since he is abroad, in a war zone, I suggest that we avoid too much controversy. It may not be quite the time. When he comes back, he will explain to us.”

A way for the former presidential candidate to still cast doubt on the real intentions of the head of state in this highly symbolic trip.

On the right, the reactions are quite divided. “I am always cautious about these stagings”, said Thursday morning Christian Jacob on Europe 1. “Diplomacy is not done in front of TV screens, it’s a bit caricatural. Jacques Chirac would never have done it”, added the leader of the Republicans. Jean-François Copé, former president of the movement, goes further in his expression: “But what is this strategy of avoidance, when today his number one subject is whether he has a majority to govern the country? But it’s madness”he launched on RTL.

A critical line which is not unanimous on the right where we respect the diplomatic action of the president and his reserved domain like the vice-president LR Gilles Platret on LCI: “The president is in his role for once. If I happen to be severe with his domestic policy, I think that on the international level, he represents somewhere what we want.”

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