Elections Quebec 2022: The Liberal leader and her spouse own three residences and investments of $8.5 million.

Liberal leader Dominique Anglade is richer than the leaders of the other parties represented in the National Assembly.

It has assets of $12 million, according to data provided by the Quebec Liberal Party. The parties provided the media with their leaders’ tally on Tuesday. However, the table of Conservative leader Éric Duhaime’s assets was missing.

It has become a practice during an election campaign to disclose, for the sake of transparency, the assets of the leaders of political parties represented in the National Assembly.

More specifically, Ms. Anglade and her spouse have investments of $8.5 million, in bonds and various stocks.

His primary residence is worth three million dollars. She also has a million dollar townhouse, currently rented, with an outstanding mortgage.

She owns a condo worth $450,000 which is currently rented and still mortgaged.

For his part, the chief caquiste François Legault has assets of more than $9.5 million, but a mortgage margin of nearly $1.7 million in liabilities. The bulk of Mr. Legault’s assets are his $3.2 million co-ownership and his $6.35 million Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF).

The net assets of the leader of the Parti Québécois (PQ), Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, total $410,450, according to the financial portrait provided by the political party and produced by an accounting firm.

But added together, the assets of the sovereigntist leader represent a value of $1.12 million, before mortgages, debts, etc.

The candidate in Camille-Laurin is counting on income of just over $143,000. His main source of income is the salary paid to him by the PQ for his duties as leader, namely $128,621.

With regard to assets, Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon owns a personal residence as well as two rental properties, in addition to land in Témiscamingue and investments with Desjardins and the FTQ.

From this amount must be deducted the mortgage balances of the three properties, and the balances of a card and a line of credit. The PQ leader’s liabilities amount to $714,500.

The two spokespersons for Québec solidaire revealed lower assets than their political opponents.

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois has a net worth of $104,285. He is co-owner of a duplex in Montreal. His share of the property’s value is $297,000, but it comes with a mortgage debt of $252,336.

He has investments of $18,991 in a TFSA and his National Assembly pension plan is worth $40,630.

At 59, Manon Massé has a net worth of $394,865. The assets of the candidate, who is a tenant, are largely composed of a pension plan and investments. She also owns a used trailer for $12,000.

With information from Caroline Plante, Frédéric Lacroix-Couture and Stéphane Rolland

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