Elections Quebec 2022 | QS promises to reduce public transport tickets by 50%

Québec solidaire (QS) returns to the charge with its proposal to halve the price of public transport tickets.

The political party suggests applying this measure gradually to help transport companies “absorb the increase in ridership”. Thus, a united government would require a reduction of 20% in the first year of its mandate, to reach 50% in 2026-2027.

“It will encourage people to change their habits, but it also represents significant savings for the families most affected by the inflation crisis. In the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, these are savings that will give people breathing space and allow them to spend elsewhere in their budget,” said party co-spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. , by press release.

Québec solidaire indicates that this measure would represent savings of $900 for a person who lives in Longueuil and works in Montreal.

QS also undertakes to gradually pay annual compensation to offset the loss of revenue caused by these price reductions. The amount would reach $500 million after four years.

This promise of reduced rates is not new to QS. The party made this commitment in the 2018 elections.

This dispatch was produced with the financial assistance of the Meta and Canadian Press News Exchanges

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