Elections Quebec 2022 | Legault refuses to exclude Jean Boulet from his council of ministers

Jean Boulet does not deserve to be excluded from a possible council of ministers and even less from the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), pleads François Legault while the oppositions demand from him a stronger sanction for his remarks on immigrants

The CAQ leader rejected calls from his opponents to suspend Mr. Boulet from his duties immediately. “There are four days left,” he pleaded.

Mr. Legault came to the defense of his minister. He specified that Mr. Boulet did not disqualify himself for another portfolio in his next government. “He got carried away in a debate,” he said. Everyone who knows Jean Boulet knows it’s not him. »

Despite everything, Mr. Legault once again condemned the words of his minister. “I do not excuse him, I say that what he said is unacceptable,” said the chief caquiste.

Remember that in an electoral debate in Mauricie, the outgoing MP for Trois-Rivières said: “80% of immigrants go to Montreal, do not work, do not speak French or do not adhere to the values ​​of society. Quebec. The key is regionalization and francization. »

In the morning, the Conservative leader Éric Duhaime did not understand why Mr. Jean Boulet is still a candidate after the comments he made.

” I [ne] don’t understand that this guy is still a candidate for the CAQ in the morning,” declared Éric Duhaime in an interview Thursday with CHOI-Radio X. “Mr. let the world vote for him on October 3rd. At some point, make up your mind! “.

In an electoral debate in Mauricie, the outgoing MP for Trois-Rivières declared the following: “80% of immigrants go to Montreal, do not work, do not speak French or do not adhere to the values ​​of Quebec society. The key is regionalization and francization. »

Words that are erroneous and give a very bad image of Quebec abroad, underlined the Conservative leader.

“He disqualified himself for everything”

François Legault has already pledged that Mr. Boulet will no longer be Minister of Immigration if he forms the next government. On the other hand, the principal concerned reiterated that he wanted to continue his political career, Thursday morning, during an interview at station 98.5, in Montreal.

Passing through Sherbrooke on Thursday, the Liberal leader, Dominique Anglade, said she did not understand why Jean Boulet is “still a minister as we speak”. He “disqualified himself for everything”, she argued, in a press scrum. However, she did not go so far as to question her candidacy for the CAQ training.

The chief caquiste, François Legault, cannot “hide” behind Mr. Boulet, according to Mme England. If the latter made these remarks, “it is because, somewhere, he is endorsed by the entire policy of division of the CAQ”. The Liberal leader pleads for Quebecers to “wake up” and understand that they do not need “these chicanes”.

At Québec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois said he had ” [pris] act of apology by Mr. Boulet”, while judging that he is disqualified from the office of Minister of Immigration. The supportive spokesperson said he was “convinced, convinced, that Mr. Legault will retain the candidacy of Mr. Boulet, [car] Mr. Boulet just said aloud what many candidates and elected caquistes think quietly ”. “Mr. Boulet offered the most robust version of the same speech which is that of Mr. Legault since the beginning of the electoral campaign”, he launched.

With Florence Morin-Martel, Marco Bélair-Cirino and Alexandre Robillard

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