Elections Quebec 2022 | Dominique Anglade says she is “convinced” of winning regional constituencies

A few days before the election, the Liberal leader Dominique Anglade persists and signs: she is convinced of being able to make electoral gains even if the polls point in a completely different direction.

Mme Anglade visited the riding of Huntingdon, in Montérégie, on Thursday because “it’s an excellent riding” for the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ), she said Friday in a press scrum. Just like that of Orford, in Estrie, she added. The latter is “convinced” of being able to make gains outside of Montreal.

The aspiring Prime Minister is also confident that the outgoing MP for Verdun, Isabelle Melançon, will be at her side on October 4 as an elected official. Frédéric Beauchemin, who is running in the liberal bastion of Marguerite-Bourgeoys, will also win, she believes.

Dominique Anglade did not seem shaken by the figures which indicate that several liberal strongholds are threatened by the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ). A Léger poll published last Tuesday gives only 16% of voting intentions to his party across Quebec.

“We have just had an election campaign, which is not over by the way,” she argued. The PLQ will be in the Magdalen Islands on Saturday, then in the riding of Ungava, in Nord-du-Québec, on Sunday.

Mme Anglade insisted on being in politics to “change things” and not for the ease. It aspires first and foremost to “govern”. She will remain in office, regardless of the outcome of the vote, she said again. “I will be the chef on October 4, October 5 and October 6. I will be for the next four years and beyond. »

After meeting the mayoress of Montreal, Valérie Plante, who inspires her with her “fully assumed female leadership”, the Liberal leader headed to the Mail Champlain, in Brossard, where she took a walk. She then headed to Place Versailles in Montreal, where she shook hands with her team from East Montreal.

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