Elections Quebec 2022 | Dominique Anglade courts the elders

The leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) Dominique Anglade repeated Monday morning her commitment to offer a “seniors allowance” of $ 2,000 to support people over 70 who wish to stay at home.

Ms. Anglade made the announcement in front of Entre-Deux-Ages community housing in Verdun. The proposal had already been discussed at the start of the election campaign and formulated in November 2021. The Liberals promise to help “active seniors” by also offering a holiday from contributions to the Quebec Pension Plan for those 62 and over.

If the PLQ comes to power, Quebecers aged 65 and over would also see their tax exemption doubled to $30,000. Public transport would be free for this age group.

When it comes to seniors who need care, the Liberals want to prioritize their access to a family doctor. The political formation also intends to train twice as many geriatricians and deploy home care units throughout Quebec.

In CHSLDs, Dominique Anglade’s party wants to establish “safe” staff-patient ratios. Institutional pharmacists would also be present in all long-term care residential centers in Quebec.

Under a Liberal government, a public inquiry into the management of the pandemic in Quebec would be launched.

Further details will follow.

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