Elections Quebec 2022 | A PQ candidate strongly attacks Islam

“Why are hijabs increasingly invading our public landscape? “Islam is not us. In various publications over the years, Parti Québécois (PQ) candidate Lyne Jubinville has been particularly critical of the Muslim religion.

The duty unearthed three separate publications in which the main interested party points the finger at Islam. An employee of Hydro Quebec, Ms. Jubinville is running in the riding of Sainte-Rose, in Laval. She has been involved in various pro-secular causes on a personal basis and participated in the creation of the Rassemblement pour la laïcité in 2013.

In a first comment, left under an article of the To have to on Ramadan dated 2011, Mrs. Jubinville affirms that “Islam is not here”. “Islam is not us: we have nothing to do with it, we don’t know that!!! “, she writes, before adding:” you got the wrong door. »

“Less than 5 years ago, a veiled woman on Ste-Catherine Street was as exotic as a Malinois canary. […] Welcome home, people from other countries. But don’t count on us to build you mosques and let your muezzins launch the call to prayer in the middle of the street when our churches are for sale and our bells are increasingly silent”, she adds.

In another comment, left in 2013 under a publication by columnist Mathieu Bock-Côté in the Montreal JournalMs. Jubinville is offended to see “the hijabs invaded [r] our public landscape more and more.

“Why have we been hearing about Ramadan for a few years, when we got rid of our damn Lent? she wonders.

In 2016, in reaction to the wave of attacks committed in Germany around New Year’s Day, Ms. Jubinville co-signed an open letter from the organization Pour le droit des femmes du Québec which criticized the “silence” around ” immigrants who commit assaults”.

“In Canada and Quebec, countries of religious accommodation and multiculturalism, women again risk paying the price for this complacency of the authorities towards immigrants who commit aggression. Because the silence around daily, “ordinary” attacks could be even more thunderous if the attackers are immigrants, always in the name of compassion,” the collective writes.

At the time these lines were written, the PQ had not commented on the words of its candidate. The party has a firm position in favor of the secularism of the state and against the wearing of religious symbols in public service. The party also came out in favor of Caquiste “Law 21” in 2019. In terms of immigration, the political party undertook during the campaign to reduce the annual immigration thresholds to 35,000 entries. This ceiling is currently set at 50,000 new arrivals.

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