Elections in Italy: does poll favorite Giorgia Meloni, a figure of the far right, scare the European Union?

The institutions of the European Union, like all the chancelleries of the member countries, maintain their breath on this Sunday, September 25, 2022. Italy could see Giorgia Meloni, the boss of the post-fascist party Fratelli d’Italia, come to power in leading a coalition with the right. His victory could upset the political landscape in Europe and some are worried about it.

This fear, Giorgia Meloni likes to play with. It’s even one of his best grandstand effects. She regularly mocks the left for wanting her to be scary. “But who am I scaring?she answers in the middle of a meeting, to you ? Am I scaring you? Are you sure ?

Giorgia Meloni has plenty to scare liberal Europe, her post-fascist heritage in mind. It also displays an ultra-conservatism, highlighting religion, homeland, family. This is also evidenced by his undeniable support for the Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orban, his identity nationalism and his anti-elite populism in Brussels. It’s all a lot, so sometimes she’s the one blowing the chill at her public meetings: “In Europe, they are a bit preoccupied : ‘Ah Meloni, what will happen?’ The party will be over, Italy, too, will begin to defend its national interests!“, for example, she launched to the crowd two weeks ago in Milan. A month earlier, she also spoke French in a video intended for foreign media.

“I saw that the victory of Fratelli d’Italia would lead to disaster, to an authoritarian turn, to Italy’s exit from the euro, none of this is true.”

Giorgia Meloni

in a video

So who will come to power if Georgia Meloni wins? The far-right populist who will keep her promises, even if it means causing an earthquake? Or the conservative leader who will put her ideals on hold, hold the deficits and not panic the chancelleries or the markets? Even demonized, Meloni has basically not changed, “there is no new position“, explains political scientist Sofia Ventura.

“There is rather the effort to present a new attitude, worthy of a role of Prime Minister. If she respects what she has said all these years, there will be problems.”

Sofia Ventura

at franceinfo

Problems that are already anticipated in Brussels. In the event of violations of democratic principles, “we have instruments”, thus warned Friday September 23 Ursula von der Leyen, provoking the fury of Matteo Salvini, one of the allies of Giorgia Meloni. “What is a threat? Blackmail ? Bullying? It’s outrageous, embarrassing, institutionally incorrect to threaten Italians. Either she apologize or she quit“, he reacted curtly.

Matteo Salvini therefore does not take gloves, it is not his style. But beyond this conveniently overplayed feat, there is the financial reality that catches up with him. Italy needs European money: 191 billion euros under the recovery plan, which Georgia Meloni intends to renegotiate. If she is called to govern in the coming days, she will not be able to do without it.

Does Giorgia Meloni scare the European Union? – The report by Louise Bodet

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