Elections 2022: Caquist voters in the sights of the Parti Québécois

As the 2022 election approaches, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon wants to address “the disappointed voters” of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) and attract them into the fold of the Parti Québécois (PQ). This is first of all where the training’s growth potential lies, underlined the PQ leader in an editorial interview with The duty.

The lawyer by training said it without hesitation: “the adversary is the CAQ”. In an hour-long interview in the editorial offices in Montreal, he detailed at length how, in his eyes, the federalist positions of the government of François Legault risk to alienate some of the voters won in 2018.

“There will be disappointed people to talk to,” maintained a visibly confident PQ leader on the eve of his first election year. The proportion of CAQ voters who will be disappointed is making itself felt. “

When presented to him the results of recent polls, according to which the government seems unstoppable, “PSPP” maintains its analysis. “Take a good look,” he said.

The lawyer by training evokes the “failures” of the CAQ against the federal government of Justin Trudeau. The six billion health transfers promised by Quebec are still sleeping in coffers in Ottawa, he observed. And the Roxham road has just reopened without intervention from the Legault government, he noted.

“The PQ is the solution,” continued Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon.

“Vote true”

At a membership convention earlier this month, the leader of the PQ presented his party as the only “authentic” option on the Quebec political scene. In an interview on Monday, he invited Quebeckers to promote training that speaks “true”, rather than a government that “lies” – referring in particular to the saga of CHSLDs.

“When the CAQ does not tell the truth or hide important elements for the coroner’s inquest, there is really an issue,” said Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon.

“As and when we will see the problems of transparency and integrity of this government, then the fact that it does not” deliver “… All of this will start to materialize,” he said. he adds.

In 2022, “people will see clearly,” predicted the unelected leader, who is preparing a “political offer” tailor-made for those who will leave the Caquista ship. Without saying goodbye to the former PQ who joined Quebec solidaire, he intends to concentrate his assets among disgruntled Caquists.

“Of course, on the environmental issue, for example, part of the united electorate will look at our work and say: ‘I am comfortable with independence. So I can consider them. ” “

And the warning signs of a collapse of the Legault team are already present, raised the PQ leader. In a recent survey conducted on behalf of the PQ and provided to the Duty, the CAQ was second in voting intentions for the by-election in Marie-Victorin, 15 percentage points behind the PQ, he noted.

“2022 is the year when voters will take an objective look at the four years of the CAQ, and will say: ‘You know what? I am open to hearing something else ”, he predicted.

In 2022, the leader of the PQ also wants to continue to present himself alongside his seven elected to the National Assembly to make known the positions of the training in terms of language, environment, culture and sovereignty.

“I think we will stay on the same themes,” he said when asked about his priorities for the next parliamentary session, the last before the general elections.

“With the end of the pandemic” will come the return of debates on independence, believes Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon. All the more reason to reject the CAQ leadership, according to him.

” Governments [libéraux] Charest and Couillard [et le gouvernement caquiste] have in common the devaluation of the independence option, as well as the minimization of the concrete problems that arise from our belonging to Canada, ”he argued.

Gains ?

In interview with The duty before the orientation congress, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon reiterated his desire to regain ridings in Montreal and Abitibi, in particular. Even today, he talks about possible gains.

“I will not set any limit on our potential in the next election. Proof: the quality of [candidats] that we are attracting, ”he said.

In addition to continuing its tour of Quebec, PSPP will try next year to attract candidates who “have demonstrated skills for a ministerial post.” In addition to bringing former federal deputy Pierre Nantel into its ranks, the PQ has already recruited lawyers Alexis Deschênes and Stéphane Handfield for 2022.

The leader, who refused to appear in Marie-Victorin despite the arrival of a complementary ballot, still refuses to say where he intends to apply. “This is an announcement that I will make later,” said Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon, before specifying that the confirmation will come “well before spring”.

To the question “What will you do if you were to lose in 2022?” », PSPP avoids answering. “I’m in politics to win,” he said.

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