Election in Türkiye | Erdogan in the lead after the counting of 95% of the votes

(Ankara) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is given the lead in the second round of the presidential election on Sunday evening after more than 95% of the votes were counted, according to the official Anadolu agency.

Mr. Erdogan, in power for twenty years, obtained 52.3% of the vote at this stage, against 47.7% for his opponent Kemal Kiliçdaroglu, according to these provisional results.

Thus, the Anka press agency, close to the opposition, places the two candidates almost equally on 87% of the ballots: 50.02% of the votes for Mr. Kiliçdaroglu against 49.98% for Mr. Erdogan.

Despite a strong desire for change from part of the electorate, tired of the economic crisis, restrictions on freedoms and the hyper-presidentialization of a power that has sent tens of thousands of opponents behind bars or in exile, the 69-year-old head of state was the favorite with a five-point lead after the first round on May 14, where he won 49.5% of the vote.

Tired-faced, slow-moving Recep Tayyip Erdogan cast his vote at midday in the Usküdar district on the Asian side of Istanbul: a cheery crowd awaited him, to whom bodyguards handed out toys while the president slipped some banknotes to children.

“No country in the world has participation rates of 90%, Turkey has almost reached them. I ask my fellow citizens to come and vote without weakening,” he argued.

In the first round, participation had reached 87%.

Almost simultaneously, all smiles despite the unfavorable forecasts, Kemal Kiliçdaroglu cast his ballot in Ankara, encouraging his fellow citizens to vote “to get rid of an authoritarian government”.

“Difficult” campaign

The two candidates called on their supporters to watch over the ballot boxes until the final results. “Now is the time to protect the will of our nation above our heads until the last moment!” Mr. Erdogan tweeted immediately after the polls closed at 5 p.m. local time (10 a.m. Eastern).

The Erdogan camp has constantly described the opposition led by Kiliçdaroglu as “terrorist” because of the support given to it by the leaders of the pro-Kurdish party HDP.

On the evening of the first round, the first results had been the subject of numerous verbal challenges from the opposition, which this time decided to post five scrutineers in front of each ballot box, i.e. a million observers across the country. .


Opponent Kemal Kilicdaroglu voted with his wife Selvi Kilicdaroglu in Ankara.

People interviewed by AFP in the polling station queues testified to the polarization of the country after these weeks of campaigning.

In Ankara, Mehmet Emin Ayaz, a 64-year-old entrepreneur, considered it “important to keep what has been acquired over the past twenty years in Turkey” under the Erdogan era. On the other hand, Aysen Gunday, a 61-year-old retiree, wanted to make this election “a referendum” against the president and chose Kemal Kiliçdaroglu.


A queue at a polling station in Istanbul

Two visions of the country, of society and of governance were offered to the 60 million voters in Turkey (the diaspora has already voted) called to the polls: stability at the risk of autocracy with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, or the return promised to the rule of law and justice, in his words, with his opponent, a 74-year-old former senior civil servant.

No more than during the first round campaign, the economy did not impose itself in the national debate despite inflation around 40% and the plummeting of the national currency which strongly impacts the purchasing power of the population.

Even the areas devastated by the February 6 earthquake, which left at least 50,000 dead and three million displaced, had massively placed their trust in the head of state, who multiplied largesse and promises of reconstruction.

Access to official TV

Lacking access to the major media and especially to official television channels, Kemal Kiliçdaroglu battled on Twitter when his supporters tried to remobilize voters by going door-to-door in the big cities.

Faced with this discreet man of Alevi obedience, a branch of Islam considered heretical by the rigorous Sunnis, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has multiplied the gatherings, relying on the transformations he has been able to bring to the country since his accession to power. as prime minister in 2003.

The date of this second round comes ten years to the day after the start of the great demonstrations of “Gezi” which had spread throughout the country and had been severely repressed.

But on Sunday, the Erdogan camp showed its confidence in preparing the speech of the outgoing president, in the evening, from the presidential palace in Ankara.

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