elected officials of the Republic but also officials of the National Education arrested!

Tuesday November 15 and Wednesday November 16, 2022, 48 people, “ suspected of having downloaded and viewed child pornography images and videos on a massive scale, were arrested in France “, reports France Info according to a police source. According to information from our colleagues, local elected officials, national education officials and people working in associations are among those arrested. ” The police targeted people suspected of massive consultation of child pornography content, sometimes ‘particularly violent’ content “, specifies the media before adding that the people heard are only men whose average age is 40 years.

The purpose of this operation coordinated by the OCRVP (Central Office for the Suppression of Violence against Persons, editor’s note) is to find out whether regular consumers of this content have taken action. In which case, prosecution for pedocrime would be immediately initiated. Our colleagues from France Bleu Pays d’Auvergne reported on Tuesday that two people were arrested in Puy-de-Dôme. Among these is the mayor of a town in Côte-d’Or, in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. If the name of the latter has not been communicated, he would have been placed in police custody this Wednesday, November 16, 2022.

“The Unspeakable Horror”

Another man, for his part, wanted to defend himself. According to him, the child pornography content found on an external hard drive and an SD card would be ” arrived there without his knowledge when he consulted pornographic sites “. However, law enforcement found some keywords proving otherwise in his search history. Aged 46, this Bergerac father with a clean criminal record was released pending the results of a psychiatric expertise. On social networks, Internet users did not hesitate to react. “To vomit”, “We want the names”, “The unspeakable horror”could we read on Twitter…


See also:

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