In its press release, the collective believes that “unity is an absolute necessity to face climatic, environmental and social challenges and to counter the rise of the far right”
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A hundred elected officials and environmental activists announced, Monday, April 8, in a press release the creation of the collective “ Unitaires”. This group for “the union of ecologists and the left” met for the first time in a seminar on Saturday at the National Assembly.
“These times of sharing allowed us to take stock of the union formed within the framework of Nupes during the 2022 legislative elections and to define the prospects for joint work, with a view to the next electoral deadlines”indicates the collective in its press release, mentioning the municipal, presidential and legislative elections, but not the European elections in June.
For Unitarian Greens, “unity is an absolute necessity to face climatic, environmental and social challenges and to counter the rise of the far right”. They criticize the divisions within the left, particularly for the European elections.
The collective has set up a “animation committee” which will serve as “point of entry and coordination of collective actions”. It is made up of Annie Lahmer (elected ecologist in the Ile-de-France region), Clovis Daguerre (ecological activist in Alsace), Elodie Bouzid (elected ecologist in the Ile-de-France region), Guénolé Carlier (ecological activist in Rennes and Brittany), Jean-Marie Hupel (environmental activist in Paris and Ile-de-France), Rachel Savin-Puget (environmental activist in Paris and Ile-de-France), Sylvie Poupet (environmental activist in Vannes and in Brittany) and Théo Samain-Raimbault (environmental activist in Ile-de-France).