elected, Marine Le Pen will set up the RIC, an “absolute democratic requirement”, according to her special adviser

If Marine Le Pen is elected president, she will set up the citizens’ initiative referendum (RIC) which is “an absolute democratic requirement”, declared the MEP National Rally Philippe Olivier, this Thursday on franceinfo. The RIC was a claim of the “yellow vests”who gave their name to a “crisis” who lasted “a year”recalled the special adviser to the candidate for the Elysee Palace of the RN.

“This RIC allows citizens to take up major social, societal or economic, political issues, because the people are sovereign and adult”, he explained. It will take the signature of 500,000 French people for it to be organized. “There are subjects which may be unconstitutional, there are things which may not be desirable from a legal or even ethical point of view, so it will obviously be framed by law but it will obviously allow democracy to breathe. “he said.

Also, an RIC on “strength [de dissuasion] nuclear power and vital French interests” is excluded, he said. On the other hand, an RIC on “energy policy” of the country is possible, as well as the repeal of laws such as those on medically assisted procreation (PMA) for all or on marriage for all. “It is not at all our wish”, he said, however. But, whatever the outcome of these RICs, “we will respect the will of the people, the people will be sovereign in the last resort”he promised.

Find below the entire 8:30 am franceinfo with Philippe Olivier on video.

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