elected environmentalists in the region accuse Valérie Pécresse of illegal taking of interests, she will file a complaint for slanderous denunciation

LR candidate Valérie Pécresse is accused of having held shares with her husband in Alstom, which has obtained several contracts in Île-de-France since the arrival of Valérie Pécresse at the head of the region.

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Elected environmentalists in the Île-de-France region accuse Valérie Pécresse of illegally taking interests, reports France Bleu Paris on Monday, February 21, confirming information from the online media Blast. They accuse her of having held stock options with her husband at Alstom, which has signed contracts worth several billion euros with Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM) since the arrival of Valérie Pécresse at the head of the region in 2015.

The public prosecutor was seized by the elected officials. For her part, the LR candidate for the presidential election will file a complaint for slanderous denunciation, indicates her entourage to France Bleu.

The elected environmentalists, including David Belliard, EELV deputy to the PS mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo, rely in particular on the last declaration of interest of the president of the region. According to them, there is no mention of his shares at Alstom which were entrusted to a trust in 2016 and sold in 2017, responds the entourage of Valérie Pécresse to France Bleu Paris.

“When you want to become President of the Republic, you have to act in complete transparency”, estimates on France Bleu Paris the deputy mayor of Paris David Belliard who is one of the elected environmentalists who seized the prosecutor.

The value of these shares had also been fixed below the stock market price and blocked by an agreement, he assures us. The candidate’s entourage is surprised by the timing of these revelations, a few days before the presidential election.

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