Elan at the gates of the semi-finals, the supporters are in a trance!

Happiness will be to be there. It will be huge. A victory this Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and Elan Béarnais, whatever happens next, will have had a successful season. And even if the sporting adventure were to stop after a beautiful Monday evening in the Paris region, Bartecheky and his men will not have to be ashamed. Because these 17 points of difference garnered in the second of the regular season which had crushed the greens and whites 87 to 54 on the way before winning in Pau on the return, still say a lot about the ability of Jefferson and his friends to sublimate themselves in great moments.

No need to tell you that in the ambient euphoria, the Peones supporters are on cloud nine and that they intend, with the rest of the Palace this Saturday, May 28 from 3:15 p.m., to bring down the Metropolitans for the second time in 4 days. who will not make the trip empty, no doubt “very” annoyed as they are. However, will they have the means to hoist their minds at the level of the exceptional state of mind of the Elan Béarnais? Which will once again have to surpass itself and ignore an increasingly significant extra-sportsman. Carine Bordes and Dominique Grange, two of the insatiable and indefatigable Peones, prefer to see the void half full…

Los Peones and all Béarnais supporters at Bercy for the final of the Coupe de France 2022
Credit: Los Peones

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