El Periscopi, the magazine in Catalan – Episode 2

Cada setmana a France Bleu Roussillon, troba un nou capítol d’El Persicopi, la revista informativa íntegrament en català (i subtitulada en inglés), realized amb el suport de l’Oficina Pública de la Llengua Catalana i del Departament des Pirineus Orientals. A program presented by Sébastien Girard i el only team of columnists.

Every week on France Bleu Roussillon, find a new episode ofEl Persicopi, the news magazine entirely in Catalan (and subtitled in French), produced with the support of the Public Office of the Catalan language. A program presented by Sébastien Girard and his team of columnists.

The videos / videos

Convidada – Joana Serra


Fa tot just 10 anys una jove emprenedora feia l’aposta to take over LA llibreria catalana de Perpinyà. There will be a delicate moment when independent bookstores tancaven each other. La llibretera Joana Serra is the convidada of El Periscopi.

Just 10 years ago, a young entrepreneur bet on taking over THE Catalan bookstore in Perpignan. It was a complicated time when independent bookstores closed one after the other. The bookseller Joana Serra is the guest of El Periscopi.

Ecologia – Marine Vinas


Hi ha una alternativa als alvocats que venen de Mèxic. Navy Vinas ens spoke avui del short circuit. A casa nostra, més de 300 producers de carn i de verdura fan venda directa al consumidor final, ensuring així a product of time and quality.

There is an alternative to the avocados that come to us from Mexico. Marine Vinas talks to us today about the short circuit. With us, more than 300 meat and vegetable producers sell directly to the end consumer, thus making seasonal and quality production possible.

Descoberta – Lluis Dagues


Discover the exceptional history of a pezillanenc poc conegut a casa seua i que és un heroi a l’Illa de la Reunió. El rossellones Josep Sarda Garriga will pose fi a l’esclavitud a l’illa. Això fou el 20 de d’embre del 1848, a dia encara celebrat a la Reunió.

Today, we discover the exceptional story of a Pézillanais, unknown at home but celebrated as a hero on the island of Reunion. Josep Sarda Garriga from Roussillon put an end to slavery on the island. It was December 20, 1848, a date still commemorated in Reunion.

Versions – Julio Leone


Es sens dubte un dels primers èxits del britànic Elton John. The cançó “Your Song” ha fet la volta al món i en descobrireu aquí unusual versions, ends in the adaptation al català interpreted by Maria Rodés.

It is undoubtedly one of the first successes of the British Elton John. The song “Your Song” has been around the world and you will discover unusual versions here, up to the Catalan adaptation interpreted by Maria Rodés.



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