“Ejecting someone from public life without proof or accusation” is “very worrying”, says François Bayrou



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The boss of the MoDem denounces a “radical feminism” embodied, for example, by Sandrine Rousseau when she accused Julien Bayou on a television set on September 19.

“When you have no evidence, eject someone from public life” is “very disturbing”estimated this Monday, September 26 on franceinfo the president of the MoDem François Bayrou, after the announcement of the resignation of his post of secretary general of EELV by Julien Bayou, targeted by accusations of psychological violence from an ex-companion.

“It is necessary to decide against the violenceemphasizes François Bayrou. However, making television or social networks the universal tribunal on which we will propose that we be condemned and ejected from public life [quelqu’un] without proof, there is something that does not make me happy.”

“There is something disturbing in all this”adds François Bayrou, referring to the accusation of Julien Bayou made on television by the EELV deputy Sandrine Rousseau on Monday, September 19. “To pillory, to condemn in the public square someone who, moreover, is of his own party, it is a Robespierrist enterprise or perhaps an enterprise of terror”says the boss of the Modem.

Finally, François Bayrou denounces a “radical, i.e. aggressive feminism, which suggests that men and women cannot live together”. He estimates that “the future must not be structured on the demolition of men by women”.

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