Eight years after the death of her daughter, the actress pays a beautiful tribute to little Jade who died at the age of 5 months

Eight years ago, Ingrid Chauvin was struck by a terrible tragedy. A drama that will mark the actress for life. On March 25, 2014, the fruit of love between the famous actress and her ex-companion Thierry Peythieu died at the age of 5 months. The little girl suffered from a serious heart defect. “JI had just put her in her bed and I was in the kitchen preparing her bottle. Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling, as if the atmosphere that emanated from his room was different. […] I stayed close to her and, little by little, I felt her pulse getting weaker and weaker. I watched helplessly as my daughter left “, had in particular entrusted the star of tomorrow belongs to us in the columns of Paris Match.

Collapsed since the death of her child, the one who slips into the skin of the sulphurous Chloé Delcourt in the flagship series of TF1 has never tried to hide her feelings. ” Several times I wanted to throw myself out the window “, she had declared to Gala. Fortunately, her spouse at the time enabled her to overcome this difficult ordeal. Together, they had even made the decision to adopt before she fell pregnant again and gave birth to her son, Tom, on June 10, 2016.

Eight years after the tragedy, Ingrid Chauvin is still upset by the disappearance of her daughter. This Friday, March 25, the actress took to her social networks to pay a nice tribute to little Jade. On her Instagram account, Philippe Warrin’s companion posted a starry black background on which we can see the 4 small letters that make up the first name of the deceased baby. A sweet publication to salute the memory of Jade.


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