Eight out of ten young people plan to vote in the presidential election, according to a survey

If part of the youth is losing interest in politics and the presidential election, the latest Ipsos poll carried out for Fage shows that eight out of ten young people plan to vote in April 2022.

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Eight out of ten young people plan to vote in the presidential election next April, according to an Ipsos poll carried out for the Federation of General Student Associations (Fage) and published on Tuesday 22 February. This figure is up from similar studies conducted before the first round of the 2017 presidential election.

49% of young people surveyed, aged under 30, are “certain” to vote, while 31% answer that they will “probably” vote. They are also 60% of young people to consider themselves “interested” in this election campaign. However, more than one in two young people (57%) believe that their concerns are not taken into account in this presidential campaign.

For example, according to this study, more than one out of two young people has difficulty obtaining a healthy and balanced diet, a figure that has increased by 23.4% in ten years. One in two young people also has difficulty paying for their accommodation, up 25% in ten years. More than a third of them (37%) think that current French society is too unequal.

Among the main concerns of young people come first purchasing power, for 33% of them, then the environment for 32% of them, then the economic and financial crisis for 21% of the young people questioned. Access to housing is also an important priority for 12% of young people.

Also according to this study, 82% of young people questioned think that the State should do more to fight against inequalities, while two thirds of young people (66%) believe that political leaders do not care enough about people of their generation. .

This survey was conducted on the internet from January 11 to 20 with 2,007 people constituting a representative sample of the French population aged 18 to 30. The quota method was applied.

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