eight out of ten candidates received at least one proposal

Some 94,000 applicants have yet to receive any offers during the main admissions phase. But 100,000 places remain “vacant”, according to Minister Sylvie Retailleau.

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Higher Education Minister Sylvie Retailleau announced on Sunday July 17 in The Sunday Journal (paid article) that candidates still awaiting a response on the Parcoursup higher education access platform could choose from “100,000 training places still vacant in just over 5,800 different training courses”.

She specifies that these places are located “both in the new Accès Santé licenses, in law, economics-management or literature licenses, as well as in selective training such as preparatory classes, which are no longer full everywhere, in BTS or BUT”. According to the Parcoursup dashboard, 94,000 candidates have not yet received any proposals during the main phase. There were around 91,000 in 2021.

“At the end of the main phase, just over nine out of ten high school students received at least one admission offer”nevertheless rejoices Sylvie Retailleau. In total, “83.1% of all applicants, i.e. high school students, reorientation students and people resuming studies, received at least one proposal in 2022, compared to 82.8% in 2021”. She assures that “the procedure was smoother. And there was less waiting for the candidates than last year”.

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