eight men sentenced to sentences ranging from suspended to 2 years

Three men had recognized the theft of this stencil-painted work in the alley through which many spectators had fled on the evening of the November 13 attack.

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Penalties of up to two years in prison. Eight men are condemned, Thursday, June 23, in Paris, for having stolen or transported to Italy a Bataclan door decorated with a work by Banksy in tribute to the victims of November 13. The “sad young girl”, claimed by the street-artist with a mysterious identity, had been stencilled in June 2018 in the passage Saint-Pierre-Amelot. This is an alley through which many spectators had fled the attack that targeted the performance hall.

Three thirty-year-olds who admitted the theft, committed on the night of January 25 to 26, 2019, were sentenced to one of four years in prison, including two years, for the other two to three years in prison, including 18 months. Contrary to the requisitions of the public prosecutor, who had asked for a continuation or a return to detention, they will serve the firm part of their sentence under an electronic bracelet.

Another 41-year-old defendant, a millionaire after winning the lottery and a fan of street-art, was sentenced to three years in prison, including 20 months, to be served there also under bracelet. The court did not follow the accusation which considered him to be the sponsor of the theft, condemning him only for concealment of the door.

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