eight fans sent off during Australian Cup final after Nazi salutes and Croatian nationalist chants

The final of the Australian Cup opposed, on Sunday, the Australian Premier League club Macarthur FC, to Sydney United 58, a semi-professional club founded by Australians of Croatian origin.

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Eight supporters were expelled from the final of the Australian Cup football Sunday, October 2, in Sydney, announced the Australian federation in a press release after a meeting marked by Nazi salutes and Croatian nationalist songs. The match pitted Macarthur FC, an Australian Premier League club, against Sydney United 58, a semi-professional club founded by Australians of Croatian origin in 1957 as Sydney Croatia.

During the match, won 2-0 by Macarthur FC, supporters gave Nazi salutes, while part of the stands sang a far-right Croatian nationalist song, used by the fascist Ustashi movement in the 1980s. 1930.

Before the game even started, spectators booed the “Welcome to country” ceremony, celebrating the Australian Aboriginal connection to the country. Football Federation Australia said “strongly condemn the actions of a small minority of individuals” among the 16,141 supporters at Sydney’s CommBank Stadium. Eight people were expelled from the stadium, she added.

The federation has announced that it is working with the police on the images and videos available and says it is ready for action. “strong and fast” against conduct that may fall under the law of the State of New South Wales. She also judged “unacceptable” the boos during the ceremony dedicated to the Australian Aborigines.

The Australian Professional Footballers’ Union also reacted, explaining that the values ​​of “justice, respect and courage” shown on the pitch by the players were “shaken” by the behavior of some spectators. “An effective response will not focus on whether or not these behaviors come from a minority,” added the union.

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