Eiffel Tower: Thierry Marx’s new brasserie highlights local products


France 3

Article written by

Y.Le Gall, M.Prévost, M.Chekkoumy, V.Landolfini – France 3

France Televisions

Foreign tourists are back in Paris, and don’t fail to visit the Eiffel Tower, where a new brewery is coming to open first floor. Chef Thierry Marx signs a menu where local products are in the spotlight.

On the first floor of the Eiffel Tower (Paris)the service has just started in the new brasserie called “Madame Brasserie” by starred chef Thierry Marx, who defends short circuit food. “The mission we have given ourselves is to divide the carbon impact by two. The furthest for us is roughly 250 km, and the closest is 25 minutes by bike, it’s the urban vegetable garden”explains Thierry Marx.

Indeed, once a week, the restaurateur comes to get supplies from a farm in the 20th district of Paris. Here, around twenty microgreens are grown and picked every day. An urban, social and united agriculture sought by the chef. Back at the brasserie, serving lunch, after two and a half years of closure due to the health crisis, 1,000 covers are served here every day for an average ticket of 45 euros. Tourists are won over.

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