Ehpad: the magazine “60 million consumers” warns about the quality of residents’ meals


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Ehpad: the magazine “60 million consumers” warns about the quality of residents’ meals

Ehpad: the magazine “60 million consumers” warns about the quality of residents’ meals – (franceinfo)

In a study, “60 million consumers” warn about the quality of meals in nursing homes. The magazine notably reveals that one in five residents does not finish their plate.

A catering service not always adapted to the needs of elderly people in nursing homes, this is what the latest study reveals 60 million consumers. Certain measures absolutely must be put in place, according to the journalist who authored the report. Notably “the increase in staff at residents’ bedsides. The slightly more appetizing presentations of the meals that we serve to our elders. And finally, regular weighing. Residents are not weighed frequently enough”declares Patricia Chairopoulos, food specialist at the magazine 60 million consumers.

10 billion euros additional budget

Concretely, the study reveals that in nursing homes, there is only one choice of meals, often unappetizing. One in five residents never finishes their plate. The nighttime fasting time is more than 12 hours, and there are not enough companions for meals. Nursing home directors directly point to the establishments’ lack of resources. Representatives of the profession are asking for 10 billion euros per year in additional budget.

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