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The French State has decided to take legal action in the context of the Ehpad Orpea scandal. He demands the restitution of the public endowments to the group.
After six weeks of inspection, the government issued its conclusions in the context of the Ehpad Orpea scandal. He noted dysfunctions within the group: nutritional deficiency of residents, overcrowded nursing homes, irregularity in the use of public funds. Regarding the irregularity in the use of public funds, the State announced, Saturday, March 26, to take legal action.
Abuse, a subject not mentioned in the survey
The mistreatment denounced by several families of residents and employees is never mentioned in the report of the investigation. “The report that has been requested does not relate to cases of abuse, but to the use of means that have been diverted from their end”, defends Brigitte Bourguignon, Minister Delegate for the Autonomy of the Elderly. For the son of a former resident of Ephad Orpea, who filed a complaint against the group, this is insufficient.