EH Bai present everywhere in the Basque Country wants to free itself from institutional centralism

There will be good three EH Bai candidates for the legislative elections next June, they presented themselves jointly to talk about their campaign axes. EH Bai is the small force that is rising in the Basque Country: 9% in the legislative elections in 2012, 12% in 2017, the left-wing abertzale hope to weigh even more on the ballot this time. Among the main themes of this campaign: housing and land. Like Corsica, EH Bai offers “establishment of a residence status. A fair measure that must be accompanied by tax reforms such as the doubling of transfer taxes when buying a second home“, because according to EH Bai, the right to have a home passes before having two.

The candidates also want to bring measures favorable to social justice and ecology, as well as the traditional demands of the abertzale movement: formalization of the Basque language, and autonomy for the Basque Country.

Expect nothing from Paris

EH Bai wants to carry laws, but also to propose “representatives who will not be pale copies of what is done here“. It is in this spirit that a joint candidacy with Nupes was discarded: “our experience confirms us in the idea that we should not not wait for things to come from Paris. More than ever, we are certain that we will never be better represented than by ourselves.“. Representatives of the movement also claim that “it takes political courage to dare to free oneself from institutional centralism. One can notice that the local representatives of national parties today in disuse still continue to believe that the redemption will come to them from Paris.“.

The candidates

  • 4° constituency: Egoitz Urrutikoetxea, elected in Lichans-Sunhar; substitute Terexa Lekunberri
  • 5th constituency: Mathilde Harry; substitute Sylvain Aimé
  • 6th constituency: Peio Dufau; deputy mayor of Ciboure, deputy deputy Françoise Gallois in Ustaritz

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