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In Egypt, corals have resisted global warming better. Scientists study these sea beds in order to better preserve them.
Egypt is the most beautiful refuge of corals in the world, according to specialists who analyze this environment daily. “Here you can see that the coral is healthy, compared to other places I have seen”, explains Hana Cocks, member of the scientific team of the “Red Sea Project”, Tuesday, October 11. Elsewhere in the world, such as on the coast of Nigeria or off Istanbul (Turkey), there are no more corals. Pollution and global warming are the primary culprits.
In the Red Sea, the coral reef, which extends over 400 km, is first protected. But above all, these seabeds have better resisted the rise in temperatures observed everywhere. Due to a biological memory developed during their evolution, the corals of Egypt are therefore much more resistant, even in water at over 30°C. To better preserve them, scientists are studying coral regeneration and replanting projects. They nevertheless demand greater responsibility from those involved in tourism in Egypt, a vital activity for the country’s economy. At some sites, 200,000 dives are recorded each year. A figure much too high: it would take ten times less, according to experts.