Egypt: new archaeological treasures discovered on the site of Saqqara


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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Tombs and embalming workshops, very well preserved, have been discovered on the site of Saqqara near Cairo, in Egypt.

A brightly colored sarcophagus, almost intact, here is the extraordinary new archaeological find on display to the public at the site of Saqqara near Cairo (Egypt). Research has also unearthed blocks of stone, tables on which the Egyptians embalmed their dead more than 4,000 years ago. A whole workshop for the preparation of mummies, with earthen vessels and ritual objects, was found in very good condition.

An amazing tomb

Nearby, two new tombs were also discovered. Visitors can already come and see them. Among the tombs are those of a priest dating back 3,400 years. “The tomb paintings and inscriptions are so amazing, they represent religious and secular life (…)”, describes Mostafa Waziri, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt. The burial site is in the region of the ancient Egyptian capital classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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