Egypt: in the new administrative capital, the tallest skyscraper in Africa


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In Egypt, the new administrative capital of Cairo takes gradually form in the African desert. This ultra-modern city notably houses the tallest skyscraper in Africa, a Chinese design.

She emerged from the sands of the Egyptian desert in the space of four years: here is the tallest tower in Africa, titled “Iconic“. 386 meters high for 80 floors, it is of Chinese construction. Since the laying of the first stone of this business center of the new Egyptian capital, 8,000 workers have been employed by companies inChinese State, which won the contract for this megaproject. The tower is the tallest in Africa, but it will be joined by 18 others skyscrapers.

The new Egyptian administrative capital is located 45 km from Cairo, with the aim of relieving congestion in the current capital. It represents an investment of 45 billion euros to accommodate the presidency, the ministries, the Parliament, residences, mosques, and even an international airport.

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