Egypt in a delicate position



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – L. Desbonnets

France Televisions

The Gaza Strip is now closed. Israel announced a total blockade, no longer delivering water, gas and cutting electricity. Is a humanitarian corridor with Egypt, on the border, possible? Explanations with Laurent Desbonnets, on the 20 Heures set.

L’EEgypt is on the front line of the conflict between Hamas and Israel, recalls journalist Laurent Desbonnets. She has a long borderre with Israel and a border also with Gaza, with this Rafah crossing point. It is vital for the economy of the enclave palestineitherenne. This is where they passed last year more than 32,000 trucks, loaded mainly building materials and food”, he continues. This border post is no longer accessible since its bombing on Monday October 9 by Israel.

A “humanitarian corridor” under consideration

Can Egypt welcome Palestinians? Historically, the country has often been a mediator in this conflict. But’EEgypt, the first Arab country to have made peace with Israeldoesn’t want tou Hamas. A group that has the same ideology as the FMuslim brothers, who are the sworn enemiess Of the president eEgyptian AlSisi”explains Laurent Desbonnets. For “avoid the infiltration of militants or an excessive influx of refugees Egypt therefore strengthens its military presence near Gaza.Nevertheless,the country thinks currently working on the establishment of a humanitarian corridor, and says he is intensifying diplomatic contacts to stop escalating‘”concludes the journalist.

Among our sources

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN / in English)

Egyptian presidency

Israeli Army (in English)

Non-exhaustive list

source site-28