effective solutions to prevent and fight against cramps and aches!

Often occurring followingintense muscular effortsTHE cramps and the body aches are usually benignbut painful. Depending on the intensity of the pain, it can impact our physical performance and cause discomfort with the slightest movement.

Did you know ? Typically, soreness lasts 3 to 7 days. The cramps disappear in a few minutes. If you experience localized pain after a week, or repeatedly, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. The causes of cramps and aches can be multifactorial.

Before sports…

Before starting a sports session, several recommendations should be followed to avoid aches and cramps.

  • Before any sports session, warm up And stretch GOOD.
  • Drink as much as possiblewater daily.
  • Adapt your foodin consumption of foods rich in magnesium, vitamins and potassium.
  • Invest in a good pair of shoes.
  • Sleep enough.
  • Avoid consumption of stimulants like coffee, cigarettes, tea…

During sports…

During the sports session, simple gestures are also to be carried out to avoid cramps and aches.

  • Throughout the sports session, continue to moisturize a maximum.
  • Listen to your body: if you feel that your muscles are working too much, Slow down your pace or take a break.

After sport…

After sport, muscle fiber damages can form and cause aches. Indeed, the muscles, which are not used to being mobilized as much, are not able to support the physical effort required. But no worries : there are several solutions for alleviate and accelerate healing :

  • For a better muscle recovery, stretch your muscles in the next 24 to 48 hours. Also try to lightly strain your muscles, while staying moving.
  • For recover wellcontinue to drink enough water and eat nutrient-rich foods.
  • For promote blood circulation and relax musclesit is also advisable to apply heat, for example by taking a hot bath or applying heat packs.
  • To help you relieve pain and relax the musclesyou can massage the affected muscles using arnica cream or cryotherapy gel.
  • If the pain does not go away spontaneously after a few days, take muscle relaxersof the painkillers or some anti-inflammatoriesprescribed on the advice of your treating physician.


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