EELV launches a citizen consultation to rewrite its rules and win back its supporters before 2027

Europe Ecologie – The Greens are launching a 150-day citizen consultation to rewrite the party’s rules, with the aim of bringing together one million supporters by 2027.

How to convince and make adhere all those who have an ecological fiber? After the failure in the presidential election and the election of a new national secretary, Marine Tondelier, Europe Ecologie – Les Verts is embarking on a major rebuilding project. The party is launching a 150-day citizen consultation to rewrite its rules and wants to reach one million supporters by 2027.

>> Europe Ecology-The Greens: five things to know about Marine Tondelier, the new boss of the party

And as if to change tack, it is on a barge, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, that Marine Tondelier comes to launch this great consultation, far from the sanitized room of an industrial zone in the Parisian suburbs where the congress was held. of the Greens.

“We say a lot that the French are more and more ecologically aware and the electoral results in 2022 did not follow. So we question ourselves with great humility. We will be silent, we will listen and we will change everything!”

Marine Tondelier

at franceinfo

This goes through an online survey to provide ideas and then, for the most motivated, through a series of conferences to think about how to do things differently: a 150-day cycle where everything can be put on the table, according to the boss of the environmentalists. “If I knew exactly what I’m going to end up with, it wouldn’t be interesting, she assures. It would be a sham, like when Emmanuel Macron does the Climate Convention! We, when we hold a citizens’ conference to create a new movement, we really do it. And so we are going to accept to put ourselves at risk and to let ourselves be a little dispossessed of this procedure by people who will be drawn by lot from all those who will have participated in the end to write the rules of this new movement.

“I’m skeptical but you have to try!”

Among the participants, Marie-Blanche Perchenaz, a specialist in air pollution, wants to bring her expertise, despite her distrust of politics. “Me, I have never been inserted in Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts because they have not convinced me so far, she explains. Since they are too divided, they don’t really know how to work together to do something in common. One has the impression that they never converge and therefore they cannot lead, they do not inspire. I’m beyond skeptical of what they’ve done in the past. We’ll see after. You have to try!”

The expectation is there, we must now convince by relying on elected officials for Guillaume Gontard, the president of the environmental group in the Senate.

“We have to be much more credible! We have to show that the ecologists are not something above ground, but that we have elected officials everywhere who are moving forward, who are showing in the territories how we can set up this policy.”

Guillaume Gontard

at franceinfo

Being concrete, but also accessible: this is the other challenge for MEP David Cormand. In short, speak more simply, facilitate access to the party, open up. “We have to show that we understood that everything we had done was not necessarily good, that we want to change, he details. We need to say that you don’t have to be 100% inscribed, to have to agree with everything in the ways of militating.”

“It may be necessary continues the MEP, fewer internal meetings and more outward-looking actions. Something that looks like 21st century politics should be or something that’s less… bigoted, even if that’s a big word. In any case, less a specialist thing.” The Greens have chosen for this consultation, perhaps without knowing it, the slogan of a fast-food giant: “Come as you Are.”

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