EELV deputy Aurélien Taché “solemnly asks Gérald Darmanin to apologize for having used this term”

“I solemnly ask Gérald Darmanin to apologize for having used this term for all the victims of terrorism, the bereaved families, he must apologize”, said Monday, October 31 on franceinfo Aurélien Taché, EELV deputy for Val-d’Oise and treasurer of the environmental group in the National Assembly. Gérald Darmanin used the term “ecoterrorism” to describe the demonstrations against the vast water reservoir project in the Deux-Sèvres, in Sainte-Soline.

>> Environment: are there really eco-terrorists in France, as Gérald Darmanin suggests?

Several elected environmentalists went to Sainte-Soline, in Deux-Sèvres, this weekend to support the anti-basin demonstrators. Lisa Belluco, EELV deputy for Vienne, “got hit, bludgeoned by the police while she had her scarf on. What state are we in? This is not democracy”, denounced Aurélien Taché. “L“The ban on demonstrations by this government is abusive, the fundamental freedom to demonstrate, and the fight for ecology is something that must be heard and possible”

“Have we seen a single environmental activist kill someone one day? No. On the other hand, global warming kills. If we want to talk about homicide, I will recall the case of Rémi Fraisse. So, Gérald Darmanin must apologize for having used this unworthy term and because his police struck an elected official of the Republic.”

Aurélien Taché, EELV deputy

at franceinfo

The demonstration this weekend had been banned. “Why? People come peacefully to oppose mega-water impoundments”, is indignant the deputy EELV. If the Ministry of the Interior explained that it had banned this demonstration to avoid the creation of a ZAD, Aurélien Taché underlines that since Emmanuel Macron is in power, “As soon as you demonstrate peacefully you are a rebel, a seditious, someone who wants to overthrow the state. That’s enough.” Many gendarmes were injured during these demonstrations. “I condemn the violence of the Black blocks. It is scandalous and unacceptable, I will never be on that side. I do not believe that the ecology of combat justifies anything. I am a pacifist”insisted Aurélien Taché.

“At some point, we will have to ask ourselves the question of the trivialization of the motion of censure”declared Aurélien Taché while parliamentarians rejected on Monday the motion of censure tabled by La France insoumise against the government, which is worth adopting at first reading the draft budget for Social Security for 2023.

EELV did not sign this motion of censure but Aurélien Taché “voted the motion of censure” of La France insoumise because it “did not agree with what was in the Social Security budget which was not debated”. According to him, it will take “a collective discussion within the Nupes to see what is the advisability of filing motions of censure each time there is a 49-3”.

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